Communications and results of research-action research by eco-evaluation

This first publication of the  International symposium on thhe partnership of car with thhe patient in teachinf of health sciences au spychosocial, in the healthh care an in research in France.

This publication, the proceedings and results of the action research which consisted in a perceptive evaluation of the papers presented through various illustrations. These illustrations made it possible to identify the level of the health system (micro/meso/macro) at which the actions and projects presented in the communications were located. Another illustration proposed to categorize the nature of the relationship between patients and professionals. The last illustration was used to assess the impact of actions among a number of indicators.

This publication therefore proposes each of the presentations (except one for waiting for publication) and ecoevaluations on the perception of the delegates present, knowing that each workshop gave rise to at most one hour of presentation and at least one hour of exchange in order to go beyond the study of speech.


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